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Many people ask the question, “Which is the best Meditation Style for me? The answer to this question can only be answered by you. We recommend that you research and try different styles to determine which one resonates with your soul.

Here are 5 Meditation Styles that are popular with beginners:

  1. Breathing Meditation

  2. Guided Meditation

  3. Mindfulness Meditation

  4. Loving-Kindness Meditation

  5. Mantra Meditation

Meditation is more than sitting in silence for a period of time. It is the process of taking the time to explore your heart, mind and soul in order to discover who we are and what we can offer to the world, as well as the way to our own level of enlightenment. Truth be told, most people live in a stressful environment and are constantly looking for material possessions and activities to briefly take their minds off their day-to-day challenges. One of the greatest benefits of mediation practice is finding peace. In order to find that peace, you must learn to be flexible and let go of expectations.

There are 4 basic learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic, which means we all learn in different ways. The point is, there is no particular meditation style that is best for everyone. Your job is to discover which style works best for you.

Before you choose a style, ask yourself what you are looking for. Are you unhappy? Do you have a lack of purpose? Do you feel tired and drained? Are you stressed? Overwhelmed? And then ask yourself how you would like to feel. It may help to write down your questions and answers so you can visualize where you really are and where you want to be.



The practice of a breathing can help you bring your focus back into the present moment. As the mind calms, so does the body and vice versa. A breathing meditation can help you understand how you can immediately influence your own physical and mental well-being.


  • Reduces stress

  • Helps ground you

  • Clears and centers your mind

  • Revitalizes your body


You can learn more about breathing techniques from yoga studios and wellness centers in your area. Internet searches will also provide tutorials and videos.



Guided meditations are when you are led through a meditation. These can be done live in a class, via video or a recording. The topic or theme of the guided meditation can be related to physical well-being, manifesting, abundance, etc.


  • Helps with physical, mental, and emotional challenges

  • Helps beginners who are looking for guidance

  • Helps active minds that need help focusing

  • Helps to gain clarity for those who feel “stuck.”


As mentioned above, you can learn more about Guided Meditation from yoga studios and wellness centers in your area. Internet searches will also provide tutorials and videos.



Mindfulness Meditation is an ongoing practice that helps you to accept all that arises without judgement. This style addresses what is going on in the moment and works to immediately release stress from your mind. This involves the practice of surrendering and placing attention on that which helps you grow and evolve in a positive direction.


  • Enhance Self-awareness

  • Decreases stress

  • Helps shift toward a positive mood

  • Improves sleep quality


There are many ways to practice mindfulness, including taking moments throughout the day to notice how you feel and what is going on around you. To help you get started, this quick meditation technique called “S.T.OP.” can help you deal with stressful moments. It allows you to pause, take in what’s happening, and then act with more awareness and wisdom.

Stop what you’re doing.

Take a breath and pause.

Observe what is happening in your mind, body, and external environment. Notice any default behaviors such as anger, fear, etc. Let it go, and

Proceed mindfully.



If you want to start changing your perception of the world, Loving-Kindness Meditation can begin to help make this shift. It uses words, images, and feelings, to invoke qualities of love and friendliness toward yourself and others. In recent years, research on this particular type of meditation has shown a range of benefits from improving general well-being to providing relief from illness.


  • Increases self-love

  • Enhances relationships

  • Increases social connections

  • Improves mental well-being


For more information on this style, please consult with yoga studios and wellness centers in your area. Internet searches will also provide tutorials and videos.



This is a common and beloved meditation practice that tends to be more structured. Mantras can be sounds, words, or phrases that are often silently repeated for the duration of a meditation, helping to keep the mind focused and serving as a vehicle to reach higher states of consciousness. Some mantras are meant to have meaning and others are used for their sounds or vibrations.


  • Satisfies a need for structure

  • Focuses the wandering mind

  • Reduces stress

  • Improves mental and physical health


Please use this information as a guide to help you choose a style of meditation that resonates with you. There are many branches of meditation styles out there, but the five mentioned here are good gateways for those of you beginning this journey of self-discovery. Keep it simple and enjoy this process! You will know when you have found the right style for you. Believe in the journey, believe in yourself.

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