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As someone once said, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Peace Pads came to be after going through some personal challenges. I had heard of meditation but had never tried it until that period of time when I was willing to try anything to quiet that ego voice.


I believe meditation is a personal experience. There is no right or wrong way. I’ve spoken to many people who said they tried it but quit because they couldn’t quiet their minds. I experienced the same thing. That was until I read an article that made sense to me (It’s been a while since I read that article, so I don’t know whom to give proper credit to). The article stated that rather than focusing on quieting your mind, listen to your mind. Let those thoughts come and go. Acknowledge those thoughts. Process those thoughts. Take the time to find solutions for the challenges in your life while you sit there quietly - before crawling into bed and having those thoughts haunt you through the night. This technique worked for me. It allowed me to find peace within my mind and stopped the nightly tossing and turning.

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After discovering how meditation helped me, I thought about two issues: 1) How nice it would be to meditate anywhere and everywhere, especially in nature, and 2) How to stop my legs from falling asleep after about 20 minutes. Scanning the internet, I only found nice pillows that you would use in your living room, not on a hilltop in the desert, not within the needles and rocks of a forest and not on the sand at my favorite beaches. And so, the process began in trying to find a material and design that would solve the problems I anticipated.


I could go on and on about the trials and tribulations of creating the Peace Pads, but most notably, while on a little bicycle ride from Anchorage, Alaska to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (, I was nearing the end of my ride when it came to me (while meditating) to create what you see now. It was a long personal journey, but it was a journey I had to experience to create something that will hopefully help you while you are on your personal journey.


If you have already ordered and are enjoying your Peace Pad, or are about to order, please leave your feedback on two topics for us. 1) Color combinations that you like which may be incorporated in the future, and 2) Your comments on how your Peace Pad has helped you feel comfortably peaceful while meditating. Photos welcome too!


Thank you and Namaste.

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